As legacy functionality is re-engineered for the cloud, this is an opportunity to learn from the design mistakes of the past and consolidate dispersed functionality into a service paradigm and evolve batch-based processes into streamed ones.
Our software engineers have designed and developed some of the highest-throughput, largest compute and simulation systems of all time. There are very few engineering challenges that we are not skilled in; we work with undocumented binaries, proprietary compilers, ultra-low latency connectivity, massively parallel networks, and there is no hardware or software technology that we are not willing to explore with you.
You may wish to read some of the following Cloud Engineering articles by Riskcare:
stevewhiteDecember04, 2018
The financial industry has been cautious when moving functionality to the cloud, despite the obvious benefits. This is not surprising given how sensitive the…
Read moreadminDecember18, 2017
Regulators may demand operational risk oversight of cloud operators to satisfy cyber risk concerns.
Read moreadminJuly28, 2017
Clients with a continuous, large stream of data coming in that needs to be processed really quickly and must always be up – regardless of hardware reliability…
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The open source big data processing framework Apache Spark has become the one-size-fits-all solution for big data and big calc problems. Chris Sawyer offers an…
Read moreIf there is any way in which your technology platforms can be improved, then we will be delighted to discuss your options with you.....
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